

What We Do

Each month you are charged by your utility providers for your usage.  Utility Cost Solutions has found that over 35% of the bills we look at have errors or overcharges that have sometimes persisted for many years. Our job is to identify and correct these errors on your bills as we have done for over 25 years.  Since we work on a contingency basis, you owe us nothing unless we are successful in finding these saving on your bills.

  • Review your past and current energy usage
  • Perform utility bill usage analysis
  • Provide energy procurement strategies
  • Negotiate with the utility providers
  • Monitor utility bills on an ongoing basis
  • Request a Callback

Electricity Bill Audit

Electricity Bill Audits

Our electricity bill audit service requires a careful analysis of your electricity charges. UCS reviews older and current detailed tariffs and rates that apply to your daily, monthly, and seasonal consumption behavior.   We take into consideration your usage history, energy management requirements, as well as, your risk-tolerance.  We then develop a strategy optimized to your unique needs and usage patterns.

Water Utilities Audit

Did you know that most water companies regularly make mistakes on commercial water bills? Whether it’s line fault errors or sewer and disposal overages, Utility Cost Solutions will uncover if you are owed anything. UCS will also amend your water bills so that your future costs will be lower.

Water Bill Audit
Gas Bill Audit

Gas | Fuel Utilities Audit

During your primary utility audit, peak shaving, management loads and energy management services will be carefully examined.

UCS will examine your company’s prior billing (up to 36 months) for errors and determine the most cost effective usage specific to your business.